Monday, December 21, 2009

My Christmas Wish - A Hole in the Sole & Scuff Marks

What’s on my wish list for the holiday season?
Well, it’s not something you can find at the stores,
in a catalog, on the Internet, or can even make.
If you’ve got a minute I’d like to share my wish.

About 40 years ago I was extremely impressed by a certain man of God. He wasn’t finely dressed nor did he preach with eloquent words. Why did I remember this man after all these years? In particular, it was his shoes. He was holding revival in the church I attended, and as he sat on the platform I couldn’t help but notice the hole in the sole of his shoe and the scuff marks on the toes. He was humble man of few words. His delivery was simple but when he opened his mouth the spirit of God would move. It seemed as if he held the key to unlock the gates of heaven - and his ministry touched all those he came in contact with.

His shoes? Yes, they have set him apart all these years. He had put aside his desires for things that society makes us feel are important, and had found the secret of true victory and wealth - the Power of PRAYER. Prayer made him a special preacher - a heart preacher. Prayer put his heart into his sermon, and put his sermon into hearts. This man's specialness brought down the power, conviction, and restoration.

Today I believe that God is searching out men (and women) with great hearts to make them great preachers and great laymen/laywomen. It's true that we can be ordinary and do a measure of good – just as the hireling or the stranger can help at times. However, if we have upright hearts, focused on the Lord, we touch ALL those around us in positive, fruitful ways.
For me the man with holes in his soles is my example, my hero. To impact the world around me, I must be committed to pray more than ever before - earnestly praying in agony, purpose and intensity, and not using meaningless religious phrases or colorful sentences.

My wish this Christmas season is to have at least a measure of the faith and prayer that man of God that I was privileged to meet some 40 years ago had. The hole in the sole of his shoes and scuff marks on the toes identified his revelation of what giving the gift of sacrifice truly meant. What better gift could I give to my Jesus - for truly, isn't He the Reason for the Season?


April Renee said...

Beautiful story. I have been really desiring more of God but it seems like "life" keeps distracting me. Sacrifice is the key to what I so desire for me life in Christ. Thanks you for redirecting my thinking. It's more of what I do on my knees that keeps me and God close.
Love ya

Just a thought said...

I likewise remember some of those old time preachers. The foot ware was not polished to a deep shine, many times it was scuffed, the toes where bent upward. Upward, yes from being bend at the owner prayer in and around the alter.