Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Close the Mouth, Please!

Generally speaking,
you aren't learning much
when your mouth is open.

Translation: Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Am attaching a comment according to Mervi (boy, does it fit!): "Shut up!" You are making so much noise I am not able to grasp what you wish me to understand!


Kathy McElhaney said...

All I've got to say is "Amen!"

Just a thought said...

Ah yes, "Shut up!" You are making so much noise I am not able to grasp what you wish me to understand!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Thanks Kathy.

Mervi, I wished I'd thought of your comment for my post. Think I'll post it there under my stuff.

Just a thought said...

Sis. Hopper;
Feel more than free to us my comments!
If you dare?
