Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Apostles of Hope

Tradition has it that white lilies (often called "white-robed apostles of hope) were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane where drops of Christ's sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress.
Each time we see an Easter Lily, may we think on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope He has given us through life everlasting.


Tracie Smith said...

I love white lilies! Each year after our service I bring home the lilies and plant in a particular area of my yard. They are a little behind blooming this year. I hope your Easter is blessed.

Carol Connell said...

Beautiful flowers. Beautiful also, is the One who created them and gave His life for us on the cross.

Kathy McElhaney said...

Our lilies started blooming last week. I love how they come to life each Spring. And I'm so thankful for the life that was given on the cross for us.

Just a thought said...

A Lily will bloom year after year. Thus reminding us of the hope we have beyond the grave. Year after year.