Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beware of the God Sayers!

I have a pet peeve, and since this is my space I think I'll address it (I pray, in a diplomatic way).

I believe to be pleasing to the Lord, we should not elevate or exalt ourselves. Too many times, if we aren't careful we start thinking we are something we are not. Confused by my words? Well, let me explain. Have you ever taken time to think of how many times you've heard someone tell you that "God told me to tell you" (or similar)? Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt we all have stories of being exposed to the God Sayers. Sadly, these people usually know what is best for everyone, but have trouble knowing what's best for themselves.

Folks, to be usable in God's service does not require that we walk in a supernatural realm. We are humans for goodness sake, and we walk in the flesh. The only way we can be of any use is to: (1) pray; (2) help others through our own experiences; and (3) be an example. We should never want (or desire) to be the prima donna (or don) of prophesy. However, we must be as close as we can to be like Him but it doesn't mean our speech must be filled with flowery words, or our lips dripping with prophetic statements. In fact, when the words come from Him, no one (I said no one) has to tell us. Words coming from the Lord will automatically bring peace without any God Said reference. His words will flow and comfort, and our spirit will be touched.

So "Beware of the God Sayers" - instead, seek out those who don't exalt self but desire to exalt Him. I have, and in so doing, I've been uplifted and restored with the sincerity of their words - and never once did I hear the words, "God told me to tell you".

(Kerpluck! That's me, just fell off my soap box.)


Just a thought said...

You GO!!!!!
Great point.
Great comments.
Something that really needed to be said.


Kathy McElhaney said...

Hear, hear!!!
Clap, clap, clap!!!

I've been brewing on this thought for several days. I may borrow your soap box in the near future...

Virginia C said...

I love it. Thanks.

April Renee said...

Couldn't of said it better myself!!!!! Wow!! what awsome words of wisdom!!!
How may times do these people harm and destroy and not do the work of God???

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

You are right. I have enough taking care of my own words from God!