Monday, August 31, 2009

Words Do Count

Just felt like offering something I penned awhile back. It was in a time that I was wrestling with "words" - the words I said, and the words others said.

Words do count, it’s obviously true,
What is said, judges what you do.

I “COULD” make it if I would,
Stands as a message easily understood.

Or I “MAY” make it if I pray,
Means my chosen schedule orders my day.

Then I “CAN” make it if in trials I stand,
Tells of strength and courage if with these I band.

And I “WILL” make it if in my heart rapture I feel,
Speaks in hard times as a permanent seal.

Saying I “MUST” make it if I but trust,
Releases love and your soul to Him entrust.

But I “SHALL” make it if I chose not to fall,
Records promises from the Book of Life's call.

Words do count, choose wisely how you speak,
For in watching how you say it, your soul may keep


Kathy McElhaney said...

SO good!

P.S. Love your new picture - although it makes me wish I could see you in person! Love you!

Caroline (Jane) said...

Yes, words are powerful, thank you for reminding us!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Kathy & Carolyn,

April Renee said...

sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words never hurt me is a LIE!!!!
Our words can kill or give life...