Monday, November 5, 2007


Guess you are wondering why I picked a picture of two little pigs rutting in the mud to capture my thought. Look closely at the little oinkers. Why they’re as happy as can be; making the best of their circumstances. See the smiles on their faces? Now that’s friendship. (Appease me please and pretend you see them smiling or my blog is to no avail).

Lately my mind (what’s left of it) has been fixed on friends (i.e., tall ones, short ones, fluffy ones, thin ones, high volume ones, quiet ones, beautiful ones and stating it politically correct, facially challenged ones). Seriously, my friends are all beautiful. True friends always are. Here’s a poem I wrote that I want to share with them today.

My friend knows when to knock at the door
Bringing words of comfort making my spirit soar.

My friend knows when to send a note to uplift
Penning a message of more value than any costly gift.

My friend knows when to offer words that inspire
Speaking truths that allow me to escape from life’s mire.

My friend knows when to petition with genuine weeping
Requesting special care for my soul’s safe keeping.

My friend is known as special, one who is always there
Having such a friend gives me a jewel divinely rare.

THANK YOU TO ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS for always being there for me. I LOVE YOU. You fill my life with valuable substance and reinforce the scripture, “a friend loveth at all times . . .” Proverbs 17:17.


Jana Allard said...

What a beautiful poem. Great post.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Off course they are smiling! Actually they are very cute.
Very nice poem - friends are precious.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Thank you Jana. Thanks for all your support in this blogging adventure.

Catherine, thank you for seeing the little piggies smiling. Your comment made me smile too.

Anonymous said...

Without question, those pigs are smiling. So am I. :) Thanks for the post.


Karen J. Hopper said...

Sis Buxton, when you say they are smiling, it truly has to be so. Thank you for dropping by.