Thursday, November 8, 2007

On Second Thought - Thank You

I, the customer became the victim this week. Yes, I was treated like a second-rate citizen. It happened when I bought and paid for $75.38 worth of goodies at a (will not name) Mart.

Here’s the scoop: I zapped my WaMu card, did a quick ID pen, and just like magic the bank cleared payment. Alas, the blessings and curses of the plastic card. The clerk (associate or so frequently called, the manager in training) hastily “threw” my items in plastic bags. Then she shoved my receipt into my hand and flopped my bags to the end of the counter. I “faked” a half-way smile, she frowned - AND IT WAS RIGHT THERE THAT SOMETHING AROSE IN ME AND I HAD HAD ENOUGH. This type of treatment had been happening too often. Just where are they getting their help? But before I could utter a word to inform her of her shortcomings, a thought raced across my mind like a giant marquee, Do Unto Others as you would have them do unto you. Oh no, that wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I wanted to be ugly. Please Lord, let me be ugly (verbally that is - don’t touch my body - it has enough problems).

However, I couldn’t argue with the Boss of Bosses so I sheepishly smiled at the clerk, and said Thank You, have a nice day. I thought to myself, am I missing something here?. I am the customer, she is the employee. This scenario is all wrong. Wham, it hit me, all wrong to whom, me or God? Come to think of it, would it really hurt me to say Thank You? Well, I guess not.

You know, when someone is rude, the words "Thank You" can make all the difference in one’s day. It changed my frame of mind, and I hope it did hers. When I got home it brought to mind a poem I penned years ago (guess I've had problems with this same thing before - Sorry God).

Thank you is a small simple phrase
But to the receiver it's an expression of praise

Its utterance can make a bleak day bright

Allowing thoughtfulness to burst into sight.

Saying I appreciate all you have done
Will link hearts to diligently work together as one

Lifting the soul above a customary routine
In the words “thank you”, there is true happiness to glean.

for visiting with me. HAVE A NICE DAY. (See God, I'm getting the message).

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