Thursday, March 20, 2008

Remove Not

What a wonderful youth conference we were able to attend for a few days (hubby had doctor appointment this morning so had to return home early).

It was wonderful to hear the preaching, be a part of the worship, and visit with those we love and have held so dear through the years. It was also a time of restirring my responsibility to protect the landmarks that the Lord has set before me, and hold fast to that which is true and that which is pure.

My heart's cry is, Lord, Remove Not (the ancient landmarks).

Remove not the ancient landmarks,
for the roads need no resurfacing,
and the trails, no removing of debris.

Keep in place the nest of the songbird,
permit the ant hill to remain boldly aloft,
and let each burrow retain its challenge.

May the hare dwell in its resting place,
the cliff remain a shelter for the eagle’s nest,
and the sea urchin unharmed in tide pools.

Remove not the chronicles of truth,
continue to cultivate the land’s integrity,
nurturing it with water from rain’s tears.

Let all inborn comeliness be preserved,
the earth unwrapped by a small voice,
Remove not the ancient landmarks.


Anonymous said...


I just love you more and more with every poem and post!

Kevin Hopper said...

Aunt Karen, you are right there are some things that need to stay unchanged and unmoved! Just like an old stand of Redwood Trees.

The best way to preserve it for future generations is not to change or disturb the landscape. The same needs to be in our walk with God.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Thank you. Love you too.

We must preserve that which God has set before us - the Truth. You, Judi and Curtis have a blessed Easter.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Beautifully said. We owe it to this generation.

Karen J. Hopper said...

We do owe our generation preservation - not only in the beauty of nature but more importantly in the beauty of His Word and His Truths.