Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Genuine Compassion

It is important to understand the true meaning of love, for without it we can be nothing for Him. I wrote this poem several years ago - so here's my personal observation of what genuine compassion should to be, and this is the type of love I desire to possess.

Genuine Compassion
reaches beyond self
into the lives of others,

feeling their hurts, their pains, their humility.

It weeps,

it smiles, it laughs, it cares,
its authenticity speaking
from the depths of the spirit.

It acts

not as a facade of hypocrisy,
soliciting service through pretense
to receive rewards.

Genuine compassion is
and will be in the heart of a true believer,
Devotion, steadfastness and virtue
will be its covering.


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

This poem is beautiful... it fits perfectly.

Tracie Smith said...

I pray daily that the compassion of the Lord will shine thru me. Thanks for being so descript!

Chandra said...

Sis. Karen Hopper--poet extraordinaire!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Oh, that the compassion that Jesus had when he looked upon the multitudes would be in me. I desire it. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday!

Jana Allard said...

Beautiful poem. This makes me love "real" people even more.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Thank you.

Your blog writings reveal your genuine compassion.

Wow. I am humbled by your kindness.

I am so thankful that the love Jesus felt for people is exactly what we desire. Happy Thursday too.

Only "real" people can have genuine compassion. I want my world to revolve around such people.