Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Your Shoes Fit?

If The Shoe Fits, Wear It.

Why is it that we have the tendency to blame everyone else for what's going on that's wrong, always excluding ourselves from any liability. And if it's an acceptable, well received act/event that pleases, we proclaim ourselves as the one responsible.

Photo: Clown Shoe Conference, Mexico City


Just a thought said...

I was in management and sales for most of my working life. I found out a long time ago that when going into a controversial situation. The best way to take the fire out of the other person or persons was in or at the very opening of the meeting admit that I my company had made an error. Now what needs to happen to correct it. This saved so many business deals and face more than anything I have seen.

It will work even in Church.


Kathy McElhaney said...

My first thought was "if the shoe fits, buy it in every color", but I think that's a thought for another post. LOL.
We certainly live in a society that refuses to take responsibility for their actions and those of their children, with a spillover in the church. One of the hardest phrases in the English language "I was wrong."