Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Passing the Mantle

I believe that we are living in the disposition of passing the mantel from one generation to another. Looking at the (majority of) men and women arising in the ministry, I am most thankful. Many I have watched from the days of their youth, noting their growth and dedication in the Lord. It has been exciting, and sometimes humbling. (I must admit in a few cases, it’s been frightening as well as disappointing; but this is a very small minority). The Lord has chosen well the future leaders of His great church; however, unfortunately some don't quite follow His call - being caught up in "self".

The calling of God should never be taken lightly for it comes with much severity and commitment. In Mark, the 10th chapter, Jesus told His disciples that the rulers in the world lord over the people, while its officials flaunt authority over those under them. He went on to say, BUT whoever wants to be a leader among His disciples must first become a servant – and further stated that He came not to be served but to serve others. What a sober thought – to do His will means putting self last in order to be a true called one of God. Wow! Putting self aside to serve can be awfully lonely at times as well as there's the chance of being misunderstood. It requires being faithful when nobody is looking. Thank God, there is another generation of men and women willing to do this. Willing to “serve” in order to see the Lord’s Cause and His prophesies fulfilled.

I have faith in our new generation of ministry – like I have had faith in the elder ministry that has taken me and mine this far. We will continue to be in capable hands. I have faith to believe that in their enthusiasm, they will have the energy to fast, pray, witness, preach, teach, counsel, comfort, and carry the burden for souls. I have faith that they will stand their ground and battle for what is right and what is good in the face of impending chaos. I have faith that they (themselves) will be there for me and I can trust their counsel and keeping of my soul. I have faith to trust in the Passing of the Mantel.


Kathy McElhaney said...

Awesome post. We are in revival with a young evangelist and it is exciting to see God using him.

Just a thought said...

I to have sat stood and kneeled as a new generation of leaders has moved to the forefront. I have many times remembered the words of the Wise Man quoted by a prophet who has gone to his reward, “One generation is, one comes and is followed by another.” Many of those leaders of our generation have gone home. Now we look at a new generation of leaders. These who are moving into leadership today are being meet by changes in civil law, church governments, human attitudes and a whole new basket of changes. These leaders of the new generation have many new mountains to climb and rivers to cross. I can do little more than call these young leaders names when I knee before His throne.


Tracie Smith said...

Most of the younger generation seem to be proving themselves quite well! It's exciting to watch them grow. I think the most important thing they need is prayers from the elders. I certainly have 3 kids that I would love to know people like yourself are calling their names EVERY day. If you don't have enough to pray for already...add Redonia, Trent & Calah to your list. Thanks!!!

April Renee said...

A wonderful and powerful post.
We have seen many friends answer the call to the ministry, and with great anticipation watch to see how thier ministries unfolded. I remember as a young person wondering where we would all be in 10, 20 years.
Now, as my girls are approching adulthood, I wonder where they will be, what will God to with their lives and who will lead them if they choose to leave Kerman.
Thank God He has leadership that will raise to the occasion!!! (like my Pastor :0) No prejudice here!!!wink)

Karen J. Hopper said...

Read your post. How exciting what God is doing in Burbank. The Whites and their church are very deserving of the Lord's moving.

Yes, we must remember them in prayer.

The changing is exciting, isn't it? I am thankful for leaders who set examples to the younger set. Lord knows they need to see true leadership in times like these. And yes, I will pray for your chidren. We must stand together to preserve our loved ones.

Isn't it amazing what has happened? God has done wonderful things in many lives. BTW: I'm prejudice toward your pastor and his wife. They are the best!!! (wink,wink)

Faith Motivates Miracles! said...

Sis Hopper this post should preach.. Amen Amen Amen... It is not about us, its all about Him! I feel that passing down to the next generation in the spirit realm as well. Oh Lord help our hearts to not just receive it but pay the price with all humility. To much given much is required. Thank you for this post. It really ministered to me.
Sis Noel

Karen J. Hopper said...

Sis Noel,
Thank you so much. Appreciate your kind words.