I Just Can't Stop...Praising His Name...
I Just Can't Stop...Praising His Name...
I Just Can't Stop...Praising His Name...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Song in My Heart
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Roddler
Wow, whatever happened to the traditional-looking stroller? Well for any who may be interested, here's the New Look in Strollers. It's called The Roddler. Even though my kids and grandkids no longer qualify as needing to use one of these, I found the website a fun place - and the custom "rod" I built was something else. To view the models available or build your own custom Roddler, go to http://www.kidkustoms.com/ .
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Trust the Master Weaver
and it seems so out of line,
Trust the Master Weaver
who planned the whole design.
For in life’s choicest patterns,
some dark threads must appear,
To make the rose threads fairer,
the gold more bright can clear.
The pattern may seem intricate,
and hard to understand,
But trust the Master Weaver
and His steady, guiding Hand.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Freebies? I Doubt It
There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
(guess these little guys' open mouths reveal
that they either don't know that or don't believe it)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Whacked or Trimmed?
so…all…which pass…do pluck her?" Psalms 80:12
I can guarantee that we have all had “Job” moments. So, as the Job of old, we as the “Job” of today must trust until the covering returns. I wrote the poem below a number of years ago after two of the greatest losses in my life. I remember standing exposed for the whole world to see. I wanted to retreat into a cave, and never come out - but I couldn't let my love for Him become only words, for my love for Him was originally born in my heart. I had but one choice, to stand exposed until the hedge grew back.
Why I penned this today, I don't know - but if you are in a Job experience, all I can say is, don't give in - wait patiently for the covering. The hedge will grow back. You can be a survivor! How do I know? Well, I am! (and I'm no one special but for the Grace and Love of God).
But places me face to face with contentiousness,
Leaving my heart open for bitterness to insert.
It takes words spoken in times of glorious elation,
And boisterously returns them in turmoil.
At this point, I must consider my heart’s location.
Vanity says, denounce creation, recant any inward hope.
Arrogance chimes in, "let go of what is right, what is true"
But it is here that my faith must hold strong.
In the removing of a hedge, my dedication is exposed,
A dedication, an allegiance, not found in books
But written on the pages of endless love.
If I will but believe that He does truly care,
I will allow strength to enter during weakness,
Reclaiming commitments originally sparked.
Setting my mind within reality’s boundaries,
Building a protection for peace to return.
A peace that can only come from above.
The removing of a hedge comes to all,
Uprooting adverse growth woven inside my domain.
The inner makings of my soul will be displayed,
And I will chance openly speaking thoughts once hidden.
Yes, I am destined to become a modern-day Job,
and there will be times when I stand uncovered for all to see.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Clickity Clack, Clickity Clack
Oophs, after reading the comments, perhaps I should let you know what I was thinking:
Those with little of God's knowledge in their hearts are usually those who are boisterous, noisy, and disruptive. We hear their empty wagons every day, noisily proclaiming an end-time harvest can't be reaped. I DISAGREE! Don't you?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Put Down the Eraser!

The slate seems to have no distinct meaning,
But in looking closely, its marks signal times past,
gathered while face to face with love.
Caution is extended me this day,
to mirror images I hold dear in my heart,
not erasing treasures that allow beauty to return.
For a day may come when family and friends are far removed,
and it will be memories that keep me strong, believing life is good,
and then I will reflect and say, it has been worth all the sacrifice.
Many times, we only think in terms of the present or future, forgetting times past with our children and friends. Some say, leave the past in the past, I don't agree (totally). There are many wonderful things to gather. Several blogging posts have reminded me of adventures had with my children - their funny (and precious) sayings, the hugs and kisses, the shared secrets, etc. Then there are the crazy times with friends, the wacky presents we'd exchange, the laughter shared, and the tears of happiness and pain shed. These are reflections that I never want to erase; for if I clean my slate, I have lost a world of happiness, joy and caring.
Erase Not Good Remembrances, for a day could come when memories are all we may have.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fish Update
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Grandkids Update
All I can say is: Go Kids!!!
Granddaughters Madison and Cassidy finished play in their baseball leagues - both on winning teams. Cameron would take one girl to one location, and Barbara take one to another location when the girls' games were slated at the same time. Both girls were volunteers, working on fund raisers for Cassidy's school. There have been and continue to be sleepovers with friends (hear that it's been sleepless in Belmont for mom and dad). Plus there are piano lessons/practices and rehearsals for the church musical. And we can't forget, the shopping trips. Madi and Cassie (and their mom) will soon fly to Louisiana to spend time with family. After that, it's the start of another school year.
Bend Oregon Update.
Grandson Preston just finished a week of Football Camp, grooming to play quarterback position starting in the fall (friend Justin in picture with him). He finished his baseball season in May, playing pitcher (his team also had a winning season). Oh yes, he hit two grand slams. He was also in a team marathon on the Deschutes River (running, riding & rafting), and his team came in 4th place. Preston starts Horse Camp in about a week where he will ride and care for horses. He is quite an athlete and very outdoorsy. He swims, fishes (see pic of his catch), plays golf, snow skis, rides motorcycles and ATVs. What a resume for an 8-year old, and I am sure his mom Alisha gets plenty of exercise taking him to and from his activities. After a summer of fun stuff, Preston will return to his Christian school. He loves that too.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Danger's Warning
As Christians, we must be careful not to travel the wrong way - for in so doing, many "fires" may lie ahead which will set ablaze our souls.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Eating Healthy
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Pucker Up?
Just take a look at his kisser.
Lesson to be learned? Not everything is as it first seems. Be sure to take a second look before jumping (i.e., hopping, leaping) into something you wished you’d never taken part in.
Here's to You
Special Friends, I feel blessed to have met or reconnected with you in the wondrous world of technology. You inspire me, motivate me, entertain me, humor me, and teach me the joys and adventures found in life. Thus far, I have spent eight months in Blogville starting November 2, 2007. My, how time flies when you are having fun.