Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Not Easy to Look This Good

Haven't you ever wondered what others first see when they meet us?

Side Note:
I truly believe that the saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" can only be taken so far - and this definitely has passed the limits of any reasoning. Seeing this creature is like ramping up for Trick or Treat three days early.


Kari Morgan said...

Oh My! Now that's quite a picture...I am always wondering what my first impression on people is. BTW, I opened my blog back up...I was a bit frustrated with some weird lurkers but I figured out how to block certain things from being posted on my blog.

Just a thought said...

Yes, this is a beautiful animal! That is after about three hundred pounds of good corn, two hundred pounds of hay and some corn mash. MMMM can you smell the ham a cooking? Yes sir.


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

What a picture!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Glad you are back. Missed you.

Looking at that face, I don't know how you can think about food. Ugh!

It is quite a picture, isn't it? One ugly creature.