Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One Stone at a Time

"Remove hence to yonder place and it shall move..." Matt 17.20

An old Chinese proverb says, "The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." That's a pretty powerful statement because mountains come in many sizes - some tower mightily overhead, some are mid-sized, while others look like ant hills. However, with each mountain comes a challenge - a challenge that each of us face every day.

I can't speak as to when your mountains will be removed. That is up to you. And I don't know when my mountains will either - but everyday I intend to pick up a small pebble of hurt, discouragement, failure, and list goes on, that has lodged in my heart, and place put it in God's wheelbarrow to be carried away. Some days, I will notice a boulder or two has been placed inside the wheelbarrow, not of my doing. It will be the labor of an Unseen Hand who is helping make my load much lighter. Today I will continue my quest, laboring to remove one stone at a time - for in time, one of my mountains will be gone and victory will come. Then I will move to another of my mountains and begin the same process. Will I be defeated? No, I can't be...for when I fail to at least try, I am telling the world that there is no God.


Just a thought said...

Thank you, from my heart, I needed to read this, this morning.
God bless you I all your efforts!!


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

The mountain is high and dark this morning. But I found encouragement this morning in devotions, and now on your post.
There is a God, His Name is Jesus and He is the Way Maker and the Lover of my soul. Praise Him!!!

Faith Motivates Miracles! said...

Your post speaks volumes to my soul this morning Sis Hopper. A song Ive been listning to over and over says when I speak your name mountains MOVE and chains are loosed. When I speak your name darknesss flees it has no hold on me. The name of Jesus moves the mountains in my life. Lord Bless you..

Brooke Morgan said...

It's so good to be in touch. Hey.. question, is the Virginia Clark on your prayer list from Fresno?

Kathy McElhaney said...

Great post. I love your final line.

Just a thought said...

Thank you for such a writting this morning. I really needed this.

Virginia Clark

Jana Allard said...

Thank you for this awesome sermon. Yes, it was an entire sermon and very needed. No one is exempt from hurts, pain, etc. I threw a couple more stones today.

Karen J. Hopper said...

To You All,
Appreciate your comments. Sometimes life can get so overwhelming without us helping it do so. However, it is wonderful to know that we have a God that truly cares. God Bless You All.

You are in thoughts and prayers. Your mountain will be moved. The Unseen Hand is already at work.

Mary Frances said...

Nice writing! I really enjoyed reading that! I like writing too, if you get a chance come check out my sight!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Mary Frances,
Thank you. Will be dropping by. Appreciate the invitation.