Thursday, September 18, 2008

Do Unto Others - How?

Surely these aren't some of God's people. Why, we take pride in treating everyone the way we want to be treated. You think? Well....ahhh....err....How about the next time we start to "act up", let's first repeat the scripture "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ".

BTW: You say, these are young pups and that's why the display of ugly spiritedness. Sorry, have to differ with you. I'm afraid the example of the old dogs gave these little ones all kinds of disdainful ideas.


Kathy McElhaney said...

Even our "playful" barks carry a bite. "Just kidding" is often said about ten words too late.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Yes, and I'm an "old dog"... So when the "pups" bark and bite, did I teach them, maybe not directly, but then the law of sowing and reaping...
Thank God He loves us enough to correct us!

Carol Connell said...

May God help us older ones to remember that those younger ones are watching our example.

Karen J. Hopper said...

To All,
Truly, we must be an example at all times. We never know who is watching.

Faith Motivates Miracles! said...

Sis Hopper, that is exactly right. They learn by example. Love all your pictures.. Lord Bless you, Sis Noel Your post was confirmation from the Lord to me about a situation I have observed just recently. Thank you..

Karen J. Hopper said...

Sis Noel,
Thank you. When we see hatefulness in others, I believe the Lord wants us to pray for them so they will see themselves as they really are (and I'm talking about myself too-we are all capable of ugliness). I don't want to be a disdainful example.