Monday, September 1, 2008

"Scaling" Down, aka Dieting

This holiday weekend has been too good to me - so it is "scaling" down time again. As you can tell, I don't necessarily like using the word "diet".


Debbie Pryor said...

Too funny! Life is too short to be on a diet. LOL

Kathy McElhaney said...

If only we could shed our extra skin...

Carol Connell said...

I hope you're doing well on scaling down. I gained a few in Hawaii, but I am slowly getting back into "loser mode." LOL

Karen J. Hopper said...

Unfortunately, I am afraid at my age if I don't diet, I'll "shorten" my life. Oh, for those younger days when pounds shed easily.

That's a good idea.

I gained a couple of pounds I'd lost after you and your husband's diet put me under conviction. To date, I've lost 16lbs and my doctor is happy but there's a lot more to go. I want to give my scales a break, not break 'em.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

I'm starting a class tomorrow morning... I've got to bite the bullet before it gets away from me! It's more about strength, stretch and tone, shedding a few pounds won't hurt if it happens LOL.