Tuesday, September 16, 2008

MY Life is but a Field

My life is but a field,
Stretched out beneath God's sky,
Some harvest rich to yield.

- Maltbie D. Babcock -


Just a thought said...

As I keep adding more and more numbers to my birthdays I find myself trying to see what is really in, “my field.” How much grain have I bundled for the Lord? Where are the weeds I need to pull? Is there a spot which required my water? And that fig tree do I need to work around it some more this year?

Yes, I am becoming more and more watchful over the field of this life.


Chandra said...

Mervi asks some thought provoking questions. I need to get some work done with my field!

Jana Allard said...

This was a very short post but it caused great thought. Thank you for making me think.

P.S. Also, thanks for praying for my mom. She still needs 24 hr care but is improving. Doctor wants someone with her until she is out of the contraption she must wear. This is driving her nuts because she wants her independence back. LOL

Karen J. Hopper said...

To All,
Glad it was a post that allowed food for thought. Sure made me think.