Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Door to ???

We may never know the beauty that lies inside if we fear to open the door that lies before us - for sometimes our most fruitful ministries are hidden behind what we physically see as the least appealing door's exterior.


DeadMule said...

Hi Karen, What you say is true. Looks can deceive.

Just a thought said...

I can look back at some of the doors out of which can Sunday School bus children many years ago. Now to see them in their adult lives and what God has blessed them with and where He has brought them.
Great thought one very worthy of thought!


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Well said.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Helen, Mervi & Catherine,
Some of mine and my husband's most rewarding ministries came from going through a door that didn't have the appearance of what I felt it should. No, I didn't feel "checked not to enter" for if so I would have never entered - I just felt it wasn't for me. My, had I not went through one door, I would have never known the beauty of working with young people. That would have been my ultimate loss.