Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beware of the Evil Twins

Nothing stirs as easily as Fear,
. . .and Cruelty, his darker twin,
awakens soon after!

What a powerful statement by an unknown author. It is something that we normally don't like to think on; however, there is much truth in these words. Fear is a horrible thing. When it begins to stir and our spirit is off guard, it will cause us to act in an unbecoming, Cruel manner. And all of a sudden we find ourselves captives to the evil twins of destruction, Fear and Cruelty.

Please dear Lord, help me to soar with the eagles and not find myself nesting with the vultures.


Kathy McElhaney said...

Powerful post! I had never put the two together, but it's right on.

Debbie Pryor said...

Wow that is one amazing thought. Thanks for sharing.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Kathy, Debbie & April,
I have found the people that hold Fear close to them, are the ones who are Cruel. Destruction just follows this pair.