Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nothing But A Dreamer

You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
quote George Bernard Shaw

There are times in life when a dream is all we have. We can either question it, or we can make it work to the Lord's advantage. It will require putting our dreams in motion, and not getting hung up on the nightmares.


Just a thought said...

Personal opinion!

The one thing that kept Joseph going from day to day was those dreams of the shaves and the sun, moon and stars.


Once morea really great picture.

April Renee said...

To add to the above opinion, it was Joseph's dreams that saved his family from the famine.
Just another thought...

DeadMule said...

Amen. Without dreams, we perish. That means, dreams keep us alive.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Dreams sometimes are God's appointments. I love that picture too. The minute I saw it, I saved it for a post like this.

Great thought.

My nature makes me a day dreamer, and being an only child, I found myself dreaming a lot. Yes, dreams keep us alive, and make us creative.