Thursday, July 23, 2009

Only the Facts Please

Is beef the best for us? Or is chicken the best? I think both industries would say theirs is the best and give reasons why, even if their reasons where undocumented or unproven. It's like us, sometimes we just listen, and assume - without checking the facts. Now here I go. . .

"Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see" is very good advice. How often do we hear from those bearing tales of having "heard" something concerning a fellow Christian or someone else? We find ourselves eagerly accepting their words because it is truly a "good" person telling us or it's what we want to hear about that person. However, wouldn't it be wise not to hastily take these words as Gospel until the facts are presented straight from the person being talked about?

This past week I marveled in watching/hearing someone tell what certain people were going to do when they had heard nothing, nor knew nothing about what would transpire. I can't help but believe it was done for them to feel that they were on top of certain situations; and I fear that the person listening felt everything was in order. To put it bluntly, the person was offering words on personal assumptions but sadly, if anyone repeats what they were saying, they will be the bearers of hearsay.

For me it was just another lesson in how careful we must be. May we chose wisely our words and guard our tongues always - never providing hearsay to others in place of truth. For hearsay is just that until it's proven.

Now back to the cow and the chicken - can you tell me which meat is the best for us? Now remember to think carefully before you answer. For health reasons, we don't need hearsay.


April Renee said...

You are forever the teacher!

Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.

Kathy McElhaney said...

Heard a Bible study on this subject last night. How difficult it is to tame our tongues!

How about eating some fish?? LOL!

Karen J. Hopper said...

I believe I am forever a student. Seems the Lord never quits putting me through the learning experience.

I'll buy that. I love fish.