Monday, January 28, 2008

Season of the Harvest

The Golden Grain Cries
Harvest Me

I am Ripe, I am Ready
Harvest Me

The Field is Plenteous, The Kernel Plump
Harvest Me

Who Will Thrust in the Sickle and
Harvest Me

A friend wrote the above words for inclusion in a brochure for a Mission Conference in the mid-1980s. To this day the words still appropriately fit the task at hand. May our desire be to work in the fields and gather the harvest.

Vintage wooden harvester is located somewhere in the California foothills.


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Yes, more than ever for the time is short.
Beautifully penned.

iluv2prshim said...

I love the picture of the vintage wooden harvester. I also say amen to this post. Let's gather the harvest. Time is short.

Kevin Hopper said...

Amen! Amen! We need to work while it is day and gather the harvest!!

Linda Elms said...

I love looking out across a field that is ready to for "harvest". When the grain is ready, it is imperative that it is gathered, before the storm comes and ruins it. We are needing to "get the harvest in" before it's too late! Let's keep working...until He comes!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Everyone, thank you for your comments. We all seem to be holding in unison to the heartbeat of our Lord. Excitement is in the air, and revival fires are igniting everywhere. Let's go harvesting.

Just a thought said...

I am going to regress to several years back, if my memory is about half right; it was in Jackson, Miss. Bro. C.L. Dess made this comment. “We do not need to change the good old time honored combine. But let’s put the mules which have pulled it for so long to rest and hook a D8 Caterpillar to it and get a move on.” This is as close as I can remember his comment.

We do not need to change what has given us the wonderful and powerful salvation. But let us find a way to move it through those golden fields of grain a little faster in this the closing days of time.


Rochelle said...

Beautiful, and so true. I like the picture too. It reminds me of being back in Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Souls are hungry.

Let's go feed them the Bread of life!

Thanks for this timely post.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Mervi, great quote from Bro. Dess. And am in total agreement with your words.

Rochelle & Shannon, thank you for your comments. Isn't it exciting to be about the Father's business?