Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Three-inch Turquoise Heels

While cleaning out my closets (inspired by Janiver’s Journey post), I came across a pair of high-heeled shoes. The pair reminded me of one of those “faith praying” moments that we so often have in life.

I, like most mothers, tried to see that my children had the things they wished for, that is, if possible. However, there were times when money was truly a factor (i.e., wallet empty, checkbook balanced with big goose eggs, and use of credit cards a “no-no”). It was during those times I had to consider, seek, plant and then cultivate.

The occasion in memory involved a pair of three-inch turquoise heels for my youngest daughter, Alisha. She was only 13, and would definitely have trouble walking in them (could see her wobbling across the church platform), but, to her, these shoes were a life-or-death situation. Every heard that before? The pitiful part was the shoes only matched one dress and nothing else - and $75 was steep to pay in the mid-1980s (oh, for those prices again). It hurt to say the price was too steep, but we would pray and if they went on sale at an affordable price, we’d reconsider. Well, guess what? Yes, a drastic markdown to $30. Well, I was still hesitant considering a possible three to four wearings, and the other three children had wants too so with words that I am sure broke her heart - "Let's continue to pray, and if they get down to $10, and there's a pair in your size, we'll buy them." You know - God wanted her to have those heels because two weeks after the first markdown; we bought a pair of three-inch turquoise heels (in her size) for $10 (plus tax).

Why did I tell this story? Well, for one it came to mind while cleaning the closet and the other is that I believe FAITH PRAYING brings results. It is when we first consider, then establish a plan, implement it and cultivate it with sincere prayer that the end results will be according to His will and most often, in our favor. Right now, my spirit is crying for a mighty apostolic revival to cross our land. Sincere faith praying will bring that revival.

Well, gotta hush as there are a pair of shoes at Macy’s that I really would like to have and I’ve got to get over there to see if my faith praying has worked. As for the revival, I don’t need to check on it. The Lord is already taking care of that, and it won’t be offered at a discounted price. But I am sure we all will agree, for a real apostolic revival, we are willing to pay full price, no matter what the cost. You know, I think I’ll skip the shoes, and do some faith praying for something that really matters.


goodstewards.wordpress.com said...

It seems odd, I know, but I've said little prayers about "silly" things like clothing before and God has answered those prayers.... :)

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

He cares for us, and it is His good pleasure to bless His people .
A couple of years ago I took a Sis shoe shopping - I felt to. The only pair she liked that fitted right were outrageous in price (like over $150.-)
I kept going back to the store and I prayed. The shoes went down to under $25.- They were for her!!!

Kevin Hopper said...

You guys must have the same spirit of faith my wife has! LOL! She constantly prays for clothes and gets them for hardly nothing! But she prays for other things too! God is concerned about us and he will take care of us!
I remember when we left Fresno. I sold my bike as part of my sacrifice that my folks talked to my sister and I about. I prayed for a new bike, with a tiger seat from SEARS. I got one just a few weeks after we moved to FL. My dad saw an ad in the newspaper and when we got to the house that's what the people rolled out! For a 9 year old boy, God answered a big prayer.

Rochelle said...

It is not uncommon for me to have a conversation with Jesus in the middle of the department store! It is so hard for me to find clothes that fit me right, and shoes that are cute but don't kill my feet! I am (almost) willing to pay top dollar when I find the right shoe - but it's so hard to justify the expense. I love it when Jesus steps in! It proves that He really does know where we are!

Monica Hassas said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! If I had a prayer list for all the "goodies" I would love to have I would be in prayer 24/7. I am sure Kellee has told you that I love to shop and I am always trying to get her to go along with me!

You absolutely deserve the shoes at Macy's! Over the weekend the marked down shoes were an additional 40% off! You can't beat that. (smiles)

Karen J. Hopper said...

On My Mind,
What we sometimes think as "silly" things, God takes as pleasure in us relying on Him for these things. Think I may try the faith praying in my grocery shopping.

Wow, your faith praying warranted a better buy for shoes than mine. Truly, it is so good to hear testimonies like yours.

Oh yes, Judi can find a bargain anywhere, and definitely prayer is involved. Wonderful testimony about your bike.

It is fun to pray in a department store for sales. Some would think us "nuts" but I think it's great to trust that the Lord will lead us.

Hate to say this but you will never make a full-fledged shopper out of Kellee. Her sister Alisha and I tried for years but she never bought into it.

Jana Allard said...

LOL Every woman should be able to relate to this post. Next, we had to go to church and testify about it. LOL LOL

Karen J. Hopper said...

Jana, Yes, it is fun to share the specials we receive through faith praying.