Saturday, January 26, 2008

Soaring Above

The Ways of the Eagle
by K.J. Hopper

How does the eagle mount above every care?

A mighty bird gracefully soaring above
Her broad wings stretching into the heavens
All the while observing the happenings below
Thus allowing me to glean from the beauty of her spirit.

On the crag of the rock, she builds her nest
A lofty residence cordially shared with nature
Then looking afar, she seeks a trace of prey
With keen eyes, marking her unsuspecting target.

How amazing the eagle in its conquests!
In air, she slices through the mighty winds
On the ground, she gathers diverse rewards
Authority and power travel upon her wings.

May my desire be to learn the ways of the eagle.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." Isa 40.31


Kevin Hopper said...

The eagle has always been fascinating to me. When I am working outside on some of my jobs I have seen a lot of eagles. In fact when I went to help Cindi & Danny with their roof after the hurricane we saw five eagles by their house. Danny & I laid on the roof and watched them circle and climb until they were out of sight. We told Cindi that we slaved all day! LOL!! If we could just wait on the Lord! Then we could soar like the eagles! Awesome thought for today!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

The eagle is definitely a majestic bird. Many lessons can be gleaned from his ways. But I like this one today, soaring above it all!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Kevin, I can see you and Danny now - good thing Cindi didn't know.

Catherine, I with you want to soar above it all.

DeadMule said...

Karen, I meant to comment on this yesterday but didn't. I like the poem (and the verse). Eagles nest at Pilot Mountain, just north of Winston-Salem. They are so beautiful as the soar and dip in the sky.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Helen, you are so blessed to have eagles near. I have not seen one in the wild for years - only in the zoos. Eagles are amazing, and demonstrate the strength of nature and the beauty of living above all care.

Rochelle said...

Isa 40:31 is one of my favorite verses. I too, want to learn the ways of the eagle.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Rochelle, yes it is a favorite verse of mine too.