Sunday, February 3, 2008

An Even Balance

An Even Balance
by K.J. Hopper

Upon the assessor’s shelf, a scale is showcased
Its holdings having been painstakingly gathered
Contents soon to be weighed to bare their value.
Will it be an even balance, or emerge as a child’s game,
with both trays teetering in a see-saw motion?

The gauge of my integrity reasons this assessment
A measurement to sort the authentic from the forged.
A weight of even balance will contain no counterfeit
However, will an inner part of me have something to expose?
Will I be found wanting, or will I be found a true weight?
My heart cries out to be spiritually balanced, but should I not be - Lord, please remove every thing that is imitation and fraudulent.


Kevin Hopper said...

Aunt Karen,
This is a very good reminder! What is our worth? Are we the same at church as we are at home or work. I pray seach me Lord and know my thoughts and even the very intents of my heart. I want to be a true Christian in every aspect of my life.

Just a thought said...

Your topic is one very close to me. Several years ago I invested the time into a personal Bible Study. My subject of interest was, “a just balance.” Our Lord has quite bit to say about this in the book of Proverbs. This study left me a deep desire to do all that is within my power not to be found short of the correct things when I stand upon the scale of our Lord. I do not desire to be weighted in the balance of men, only the balance of our God.

The Best Jesus Has For You;


Anonymous said...

Aunt Karen,
First off, I saw your post on Jana's blog and had a hard time with your being 68......I think of myself being 18, not 41, so you have to be in your 40's!! Second, It was ironic that you wrote on balance, with our ever growing church, a new child later in life, and other pressing issues, it is interesting keeping it all in balance. Stephen is writing a chapter for a young ministers book/bible study for the district right now, it is about balancing between the ministry and family. I am so blessed that he has worked overtime to keep those two in balance but I have seen so many families that have been neglected in this way. Thanks for the gentle reminder that we must keep it all in balance!

Jana Allard said...

What an important topic. Balance is important for our spiritual well being, physical well being, and so needed in the church, too. Great post.

Rochelle said...

Our ladies ministry just kicked off the "Mary and Martha Project" with this same thought in mind. Balance is so important.

DeadMule said...

Balance is very important to our lives. But is it important to our spiritual well being? I used to think so, but now I wonder. I think I want a bit more passion without the worry that others might see it as unbalanced. It seems loving God with all my heart, mind, soul and being is nowhere near center. I know, of course, this isn't what you meant.

I agree we must not be "so heavenly minded, we're no earthly good;" we need the balance of Mary and Martha. It's wrong to have church food fixers, so the worshipers can be undisturbed but eat when hungry. Everyone should work, and everyone should worship. Yet I think it is unbalance - with no regard for time and other tasks - that allows us to get "lost in Jesus," which is what happens when the Holy Spirit really comes.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

When I was a child my grandfather had an old fashion scale. I played with it often. It didn't take much at all to tilt it one way or the other. I want to be balanced.

Karen J. Hopper said...

To All,
Thank you for your wonderful comments. What encouragement to know that our desire is to be evenly balanced unto Him. Sorry I didn't answer individually as I wanted to but I am now trying to balance the physical life as we are in San Francisco for my husband's doctor appointments. It is always a balancing act in itself.