Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Perfection’s Brief Visit

Few are chosen to know perfection
for it lasts just a brief moment,
blessing those elected to handle its care
Perfection comes to bring joy and happiness,
filling the heart with wondrous elegance.

Perfection leaves an infinite impression
joining the young and the old,
the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor.
In its path is the confidence of heaven,
of God, of a special place beyond here and now.

I have seen perfection face to face
and have been touched by its tenderness,
I have heard its cry and its laughter.
Perfection came to visit me one day,
Its flawless beauty forever enchanting my soul.

Zoe Claire Hopper
September 10, 1995
February 13, 1996

Zoe, you came on gossamer wings, propelling your way into our hearts - and gave us a reason to smile, to laugh, and to hold court with gladness once again. I love you, my precious angel, Nana


Rochelle said...

What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing this.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

How precious Sister. Thank you for this little piece of your heart.

Anonymous said...

Though I never got to meet little Zoe in person, I have met her through the tremendous love of her special family. Again our prayers are with you on this day, and thank you for sharing such a beautiful tribute with us. Love you, Ruth Garrett

Just a thought said...

There are some wounds to the spirit of a person which require a long time to heal.
May the Deep burse to your spirit find that Balm of Gilead.


iluv2prshim said...

Sis. Hopper,
Zoe is beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
How great it is that you will one day see her again.

Kevin Hopper said...

Aunt Karen, this is a great tribute for a cute little angel! I remember seeing her once when we came out to visit! You guys are in our prayers!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Rochelle, Catherine & Kevin, thank you. Your words are appreciated.

Ruth, so wonderful to hear from you, and your words are so kind. Your family is very special to us too.

Mervi, I have learned that healing never comes, but with time life layers your loss only to resurface from time to time. However, having the Lord in one's life makes all the difference.

Ronda, what assurance that someday we will meet our loved ones - Meeting around the Throne. Your dad used to tell the congregation in Fresno that one day we would meet around the throne (remember the song?). Some 37 years later, his voice still speaks it to my heart and spirit.