Friday, February 15, 2008

His Sounds of Silence

Many times answers to prayers come in total silence. I love His Sounds of Silence.

The special sounds of silence come forth
penetrating the inner soul of man

Its quietness brings forth guidance
perhaps through ebony tides of disappointment
Or releasing tranquility founded upon discretion
making the way more simplified and secure.

Shh! Listen for the silenced sounds

for they portray the holiness of a cause

Allowing serenity to wrap itself without speaking
in perhaps the quiet presence of day's end.
Or by chance in the silence of a journey home
Whatever the unheard sound, He will lead you.

Shh! Listen for His silence for therein you will hear what He has to say.


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

That still small voice - it takes silence to hear it. To hear from God... Oh yes.

Kevin Hopper said...

I love to be outdoors where the only noise is the sounds of nature. It is in the silence that I can hear His voice. said...


I remember reading a book in my master's program titled "Silence" and it was about a persecuted missionary to Japan who became very frustrated with the silence of God in the mid to late 1500s. Great read; I believe the author's name was Shusaku Endo. If you are a bookworm, like me, you might want to check it out.

Hope your day is great!


Karen J. Hopper said...

Catherine, Silence is blessed when He is in it, that's for sure.

Kevin, I love the outdoors too. Its vastness and beauty can be overwhelming - but it is its silence that speaks volumes to our spirits. PS: I wrote a poem on sounds of nature - think I'll look for it to blog.

Jaime, I have not read the book but I will be looking for it. Thank you.