Monday, January 26, 2009

Your Ship Will Come In

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
Dolly Parton


DeadMule said...

Don't you just love Dolly Parton?

Once we had a church retreat at a Holiday Inn. The Inn Master was a member of our church, and he said that Dolly Parton had been there the night before. He said if we'd been there the same night she was that she'd have joined us and sang for us.

Karen J. Hopper said...

She's a "hoot"; and her quotes/sayings are so down-to-earth. Now that would have been something for her to have joined your group and sang.

Kathy McElhaney said...

Les and I were on a flight from Nashville to LAX with Dolly one time. She was so sweet to everyone who spoke to her - definitely a Southern Gal!

Tracie Smith said...

Another great southern love was as a child playing with little boats in small streams of water (ditches, tub, mud puddles, etc). Even mud puddles are worth it sometimes! Loved your quote and pic.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Wow, that made for an interesting flight, I am sure. She seems to be very genuine.

Think the little boats in water is a universal thing. My kids always looked for any watering "hole" to sail. Imaginations ran rapid, and paper boats, bottoms to milk cartons, pop caps, etc. took center stage and floated proudly in the swirly waters. Great times.

Just a thought said...

No rain. No rainbow.
No streach. No growth.
No pain. NO gain.
No struggle. No victory.
